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Curie Club

Chemistry is the bridge between the physical and the living world, revealing the secrets of the universe one reaction at a time.

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About Us

The Curie Club, founded in 2011 at IISER Mohali, is dedicated to fostering scientific interest among students. Named in honor of Marie Curie, the club engages undergraduates, graduates, and faculty through a variety of activities, including scientific talks, project presentations, experiment demonstrations, and outreach programs. Additionally, the club screens Nobel lectures and organizes industrial visits to highlight the practical applications of chemistry. Each November, the Curie Club celebrates 'Chem Week' with talks, interactive sessions, and various activities to honor the birth anniversaries of Sir C V Raman and Marie Curie. Videos of these events are available on our YouTube channel, aimed at inspiring the broader scientific community.

Special Thanks To
Web Developer
Ankit (MS22)
Social Media Handler
Vedansh Gupta (MS23)
Supratim Datta (MS22)
Valuable Volunteer